Candy and Allowances, Part II: Child-Child Communication in Elm

Published June 27, 2016 · 7 Minute Read · ∞ Permalink

UPDATE 2017-01-16: before you read this, read the reuse section of the Elm guide. It will set you up in a better way! The text below is preserved for reference purposes.

In our previous article we talked about how parents and children can communicate with one another in Elm. But how about when you need two child components to know about each others state? Hmm…

Our Story So Far

We have two components: a Parent and a Child. The parent covers spending money for the children. It can receive a paycheck, and when it does it can hand out allowance to the children. The children, meanwhile, buy candy with reckless abandon. The parent takes on the burden of their debt, decreasing their own resources. Messages are passed down to the child and up to the parent through update functions.

But children do not exist in a vacuum. They can see each other, and they love to brag about how much candy they’re getting. What’s a little sibling rivalry between friends?


First, let’s stop off to talk a bit of design philosophy. Parents manage their childrens state in the Elm architecture. You will have a tree of records that can go arbitrarily deep and wide. Yet once the branches of that tree diverge, they should almost never come back together. Think about how the update function works: you write it to return the new state of a single component, which includes any children.

So given how our update function works, how do we pass messages between two sibling components (that is, components which are the children of a single container?) We can send messages to the parent, but then we need to defer to the implementation. The containing component has to own the routing of messages between its children.

The Jealous Child

Back to the code now! Let’s see how our new model represents our jealous children:

type alias Model =
    { money : Float
    , jealousy : Float

init : Model
init =
    { money = 0
    , jealousy = 0

type Msg
    = Allowance Float
    | Candy
    | SeeOthersCandy
    | ShowOffCandy

type OutMsg
    = NeedMoney Float
    | BragAboutCandy

We’re now representing jealousy on the model. Jealousy increases when children see others bragging about their candy, and decreases when getting candy. We can also now intend to show off our candy. Finally, we’re representing the need for money as a tag instead of a float, since we’re sending different messages to the parent.

Let’s see how our update function changes as a result:

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Maybe OutMsg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Allowance amount ->
            ( { model | money = + amount }
            , Nothing

        SeeOthersCandy ->
            ( { model | jealousy = model.jealousy + 1 }
            , Nothing

        ShowOffCandy ->
            ( model
            , Just BragAboutCandy

        Candy ->
                money =
           - 5

                moneyMessage =
                    if money < 0 then
                        Just (NeedMoney (abs money))
                ( { model | money = money, jealousy = 0 }
                , moneyMessage

Not every case of Msg needs to send a message to the parent, so we’re representing the messages to the parent as Maybe OutMsg instead of a float. We can still get allowance, but now we can see other childrens candy. Neither of these cases need to notify the parent, so we return Nothing for the message.

ShowOffCandy is more complex, but not terribly bad. When we get it there are no changes to our model, but we should send the parent a message. So that’s exactly what we do.

Candy is the most complex message. Now we’re checking to see if we need money in constructing a message. If we don’t need any, no money needed, hooray! That’s Nothing. But if we do, we send a message of the absolute value of money needed, as the NeedMoney message.

That about does it for the update function. We’re responding and sending a few more events. Now let’s look at how we’re getting those new events:

The Gossipy Parent

We’ll have to change Parent to broadcast the messages to the right children. Let’s handle the update function first:

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
    case msg of
        ChildMsg name msg' ->
            case Dict.get name model.children of
                Nothing ->

                Just child ->
                        ( updated, childMsg ) =
                            Child.update msg' child

                        ( child', model' ) =
                            updateFromChild childMsg name updated model

                        children =
                            Dict.insert name child' model'.children
                        { model' | children = children }

The thing to notice here is that we’ve moved our message handling into updateFromChild. Nothing else has changed too much. Here’s our handler function:

updateFromChild : Maybe Child.OutMsg -> String -> Child.Model -> Model -> ( Child.Model, Model )
updateFromChild msg name child model =
    case msg of
        Nothing ->
            ( child, model )

        Just (Child.NeedMoney amount) ->
            if amount > 0 then
                ( Child.update (Child.Allowance amount) child |> fst
                , { model | money = - amount }
                ( child, model )

        Just Child.BragAboutCandy ->
                showOff =
                    \name' child ->
                        if name' == name then
                            Child.update Child.SeeOthersCandy child |> fst
                ( child
                , { model | children = showOff model.children })

Here we’re handling the different cases of OutMsg. First when we don’t have a message we return nothing. Easy. If the child needs money, that’s the logic that used to be in Parent.update.

The new stuff comes with our broadcast message Child.BragAboutCandy. We’re just going to send our children a SeeOthersCandy message. We’re not, however, going to send it to the child who wants to show off their candy. That just wouldn’t make sense!

Once we get our new child and parent state from updateFromChild, update sets it in the right place in the dictionary and returns as normal.

Wrappin’ it Up

There you have it, broadcast communication from one child to all siblings. If you need more specific communication, you can pass a set of identifiers down to the children for use as coordinates. Just like last time this pattern should scale up just fine, but be cautious of owning too much in the child. Components are easier to reuse if they’re small.

As before, the code for this post is available at BrianHicks/candy-and-allowances on Github. The specific commit making these changes is 816e0d.

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