How does Json.Decode's andThen work?

Published June 17, 2016 · 4 Minute Read · ∞ Permalink

It’s easy to get stuck decoding JSON. First of all you have to understand how to write a Decoder, and then… well, then you get to andThen. The docs have a terse explanation (“Helpful when one field will determine the shape of a bunch of other fields.“) and give the following example:

type Shape
    = Rectangle Float Float
    | Circle Float

shape : Decoder Shape
shape =
  ("tag" := string) `andThen` shapeInfo

shapeInfo : String -> Decoder Shape
shapeInfo tag =
  case tag of
    "rectangle" ->
        object2 Rectangle
          ("width" := float)
          ("height" := float)

    "circle" ->
        object1 Circle
          ("radius" := float)

    _ ->
        fail (tag ++ " is not a recognized tag for shapes")

This is frustrating the first time you look at it. What’s important and unimportant in the example? What shape of JSON do I even pass in here? But there’s hope! Once you know where to look, it’s pretty simple. Let’s break it down.

The Shape Type

Walking through the example, the first thing we hit is the Shape type. This is a tagged union type, meaning that a Rectangle and a Circle are both valid Shapes we can process. So we can have values like these:

square : Shape
square = Rectangle 1 1

circle : Shape
circle = Circle 1

Note how both constructors give us a value of type Shape.

(n.b. If this is new to you, the Elm documentation has a great introduction union types. Go read through that and the rest of this article will make more sense.)

The Shape Decoder

Next we have a decoder for the Shape type. Since Shape is a union type, we can infer that the decoder should handle all the cases of the union. This is where we’ll bring andThen in to shine. Let’s take a look at that type definition first:

andThen : Decoder a -> (a -> Decoder b) -> Decoder b

So let’s follow the type variables through the definition. So we have some type a a (in our example, it’s String.) We have a decoder that produces a (that is, String.) We also have a function that takes String and produces a decoder for b (here Shape). andThen will chain those two together to get a full decoder. Here’s that type definition with our concrete types filled in:

andThen : Decoder String -> (String -> Decoder Shape) -> Decoder Shape

And, wouldn’t you know it, that second argument is the exact type we need here! So we can use it in andThen. In the body of shape, we see that we’re looking for a string "tag". That’s our Decoder String, which gets passed as the first argument to andThen along with shapeInfo. (The backtick syntax here just means that we’re using a prefix function as an infix operator. Think map vs +.)

So now that we see how we’re using shapeInfo (getting the tag from the JSON), we’re just a case away from handling our two constructors.

Putting it All Together

So, armed with this knowledge, we can see how to can parse a JSON object using this Decoder:

  1. The string {"tag": "circle", "radius": 1} comes down the decoder chain.
  2. The "tag" decoder pops out "circle", which gets passed to shapeInfo
  3. shapeInfo matches "circle" to produce the Circle decoder
  4. Once decoded, we end up with Circle 1

But why do this dance at all? Why not have one Decoder for Circle and another for Rectangle? Consider the following JSON:

    "tag": "circle",
    "radius": 1
    "tag": "rectangle",
    "width": 2,
    "height": 3

But with andThen, mixed types in JSON become pretty easy to handle. It’s just Decode.list circle and you’re done. Composable functions win big here!

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